The Day of St. Tryphon and Pelageya

The church commemorates St. Tryphon and Pelageya on October 21.  Tryphon lived in the XVI century in one of the villages of the Arkhangelsk province.  From childhood he felt the need to serve God, and became even stronger in his intentions after hearing in the temple the words that monks become God's elect.  Tryphon decides to become a monk and secretly leaves his native home, going to the Perm province.  There he settled on the territory of the monastery and received a vow.  During his life, Tryphon prayed and worked so sincerely that he did not feel sorry for himself, and therefore, once even became very ill.  When Tryphon was dying, St. Nicholas accompanied him by an angel, giving him the gift to work miracles.  The fame of Tryphon's abilities spread throughout the country, so he went to the desert, so as not to cause envy in the hearts of his followers, and then crossed the river Mulyanka and built a monastery on Vyatka.

Also on October 21, St. Pelagia, who used to lead a debauched life, was a dancer and a prostitute, is honored.  But one day priests from all over Syria came to Antioch, and one of the bishops prayed sincerely for Pelagius, which impressed her so much that she decided to convert to Christianity and later even became a nun, settling in a convent.  The monks did not know that there was a woman among them until Pelagia's death.

What are the traditions for the holiday

On October 21, the peasants began to think about what clothes to wear in winter.  They tried to patch it up, sew something new.  People preferred not to joke about winter.  The Slavs believed that the forest was managed by the Honest Forest.  This spirit is almost never shown to people, is the master of their own space and tries not to disturb humanity for no apparent reason.  He could complain about other spirits that threaten human life and safety.

Birthdays: Victor, Vladimir, Nicholas, Dmitry, Vasily, Ivan, Paul, Peter, Taisiya, Tatiana, Pelageya, Elizabeth, Hope, Mary.

What not to do on oct 21

On the day of Pelageya and Tryphon it is strictly forbidden to weave nonsense, otherwise life can cause a number of troubles.
Also, do not be lazy - Pelagia appreciates those who fulfill their goal every day.
On October 21, you can't tell bad dreams until the sunset.  It is believed that they will either come true or otherwise fail.
What can be done on October 21

Today is a perfect day to address important issues.
For couples who have chosen October 21 as their wedding day, the signs promise a friendly family.

What happened that day

1056 - Deacon Gregory derives the first letter.  The manuscript went down in history as the Ostromir Gospel.  This is the oldest surviving East Slavic manuscript.  Its 294 sheets are decorated with beautiful screensavers, three large miniatures.
