October 14 - Feast of the Pokrove - Protection of the Holy Mary

Feast of the Protection of the Holy Mary

October 14 - Feast of the Protection of the Holy Mary: omens, what can and should not be done on this day.

Coverage (Pokrova) - a symbol of victory over the enemy.

On October 14 the Orthodox world celebrates the great holiday - the Intercession of Holy Mary. Ukrainians respect the Intercession so much that they combined it with the Defender of the Fatherland Day and established a national holiday. None of the Orthodox countries has such love for the Intercession as Ukraine, and that is their historical reasons.
The Cover is a symbol of victory over the enemy.

In Cossack times (and the Cossacks were not only real warriors, but also very sincere believers). The cover is a symbol of victory over the enemy. Zaporizhian Cossacks went to war and returned from it, repeating the name of the Virgin. Not without reason, there was a church in the center of Zaporizhzhya Sich in honor of the Protection of the Mother of God.

When in the XVIII century, the Russian Empress Catherine II ordered to deceive and destroy Sich, according to legend, the only thing the Cossacks managed to take with them was an icon of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary (now called "Cossack").
The miracle in Blachernae Temple

The history of the holiday dates back to 860 AD, when Russins Askold and Dir (our ancestors from Kievan Rus) decided to capture the rich Orthodox Byzantine Empire. Their ships went to Constantinople, but for the first time they almost perished, because for the protection of Constantinople was the Virgin herself. When Greeks have understood, that it is not possible for them to overcome powerful army Askold and Dir, they have gathered in Blachernae temple (on suburb of Constantinople) where the great relic - the Robe of the Sacred Virgin was stored and began to pray.

The apparition of the Virgin

It was then that the saint Andrew the Apostle and his disciple Epiphanius, who was very dear to the townspeople, saw the appearance of the Holy Virgin in the shining of the heavenly light. Surrounded by angels and saints, she removed the omophorion from her head and covered with it the people, who knelt in prayer. When Saint Andrew the Apostle told about his vision, people understood - the Queen of Heaven herself covers them from all evil! In a procession, they went around the city three times and then submerged the rice in the sea. At the same time, a strong storm broke out at sea; Askold and Dir's ships had to retreat and returned home beaten.

This extraordinary defeat scared the conquerors very much. Askold and Dir sent a messenger to Byzantium with a request to teach them this strange faith. In response, the Greeks sent to Russia (Chersonesos) Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, who not only taught, but also baptized about 200 Russian families.

This event marked the beginning of our people's journey to the Christian faith. After 122 years, in times of already prince Vladimir, in 988 baptism of all Russia became possible.
Blachernae church behind a barbed wire

Surprisingly, this holiday did not take root in Greece. Blakhernae temple is now located in Muslim Istanbul (Turkey). But now it is not a huge building, but a small room with bars on the windows, surrounded by a fence and barbed wire. After all, in Istanbul, Orthodox Christians constantly suffer from pogroms by Muslims and pray under the fear of death. Unfortunately, there are very few parishioners in the modern Blachernae temple. The only thing is that there are still kept the riza and omophorion of the Mother of God.
Wire near the Church of the Protection of the Mother of God.
Cossack Cover

But on our lands, the feast of the Protection of the Holy Mary has gained extraordinary popularity. Zaporizhzhya Sich was especially honored. The Cossacks called themselves Knights of the Mother of God, and they chose a new ataman for the Protection of the Holy Mary, as a sign that he would lead them under the Protection of the Holy Mary.

By the way, the Cossacks built over 10 temples in honor of the Mother of God in the surrounding cells. On the Feast of the Cover, the Cossacks always gathered at the main Sich temple - and this tradition was followed until the destruction of the Sich. Cossacks came to the temple on the Cover even when there was an epidemic of plague!
Cossack Cover 1

The icon of the Cossack Cover differs from the canonical one in that it bears the omophorion of the Virgin Mary covering Cossacks, hetmans and clergy.
Omens .

Since ancient times, the Cover is a turn to winter. People used to say: "The Cover covers either with leaves or snow.
What you should do on this day.

It is desirable to come to the temple in the morning, to pray, to confess and to partake. Communion on the Intercession is a special blessing of the Virgin Mary!

You should not use profanity and quarrel. It is better not to do hard work and not to start a new business.

It is desirable to spend this day in peace and harmony surrounded by people who are close in spirit.
