Erofey's day

October 17 is the Day of Hieropheus  (Erofey's day)

The church commemorates the martyr Hieropheus (Hieropheus), who lived in Athens in the 1st century.  Simultaneously with Dionysius, he converted to Christianity and became a disciple of the Apostle Paul.  He was also ordained a bishop, at that time Yerofei was already a member of the Athenian Areopagus.  Legend has it that Jeropheus and Dionysius saw the burial of the Mother of God with their own eyes.  As for the subsequent fate of Eropheus, he was killed by pagans after trying to preach Christianity among them.


There has long been a tradition to prepare a special tincture on Erofey's day, which was popularly nicknamed "Erofeyich".  To do this, pre-dry fragrant herbs (St. John's wort, marjoram, clover, oregano, thyme, wormwood, mint, anise), fill them with vodka and infuse for a month in a dark place.  This tincture is taken in the absence of appetite and gastric diseases.

On October 17, people tried not to drink alcohol, because on this day a drunken person can settle down in a devil and drive him crazy.  Also on Eropheus is a great risk of being deceived, do not succumb to any persuasion today.

The hostess on St. Erofeev's Day traditionally viewed and aired winter clothes with shoes.  Follow this custom, prepare for the cold in advance, so that then the winter does not come as a surprise.

Folk signs for October 17:

On this day, foresters are believed to be fooling around: breaking trees, chasing animals, wandering and screaming, clapping and laughing, until the morning, after the singing of the first roosters, they fall through the ground to emerge from the ground by spring.
