Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: History and traditions of the holiday

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos on September 21.  This holiday is considered one of the main ones among believers.

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the first of the twelve feast days of the church year, which began on September 14, the Orthodox world celebrates this holiday for 6 days, from September 20 to 25.  Christians honor the Mother of God like no other saint, because she is the one without whom there would be no Jesus Christ.  The history of the holiday and traditions can be found in the Sputnik help.

History of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

In the New Testament this day is not described in any way, however, the birth of the Virgin Mary is described in the "Proto Gospel of Jacob".  Joachim and Anna lived in Nazareth.  Childless mature spouses did not lose hope of becoming parents.  On the great Jewish holiday, Joachim came to the temple of Jerusalem to give a sacrifice to the Lord according to the Mosaic Law, but the priest did not accept the gifts, telling Joachim that he had no children, which means he was not blessed by God.  Then Joachim went into the wilderness to pray to God for the long-awaited child.

Icon "Life and Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos"

Anna learned that her husband had chosen this path, and, blaming herself for childlessness, began to pray even harder.  During her prayer, an angel came to her and said that God had heard her prayers and that she would be given a blessed daughter who would be superior to all other earthly daughters.  And he said that the daughter should be called Mary.

Signs of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

The Eastern Slavs believed that if on the day of the Nativity of the Heavenly Mother the weather is good, then the rest of the autumn will be sunny and clear, and in winter there will be private thaws.  In addition, it was believed that autumn would be warm if the birds were flying high.  If it is low, then the winter will be hungry and cold.

Traditions and ceremonies for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

One of the main rites was the burning of old shoes.  Also on this day, children were washed so that their spirit was strong and their body healthy.  Grown women made candles with paper flowers, writing on the "petals" wishes for family well-being, and then they put candles in the church and waited for the first petal to burn out.

On this holiday, the entire Orthodox world prays "The Most Honorable Cherubim and the Most Glorious without Comparison Seraphim."

What you shouldn't do on this day

On this day, the table must be lean.  In addition, hard physical work is best avoided - this is a holiday.  Try not to swear, in any conflict situation, look for a compromise, do not be offended and do not wish anyone any harm.

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