The Apostolic Fast

Apostolic Fast

The Peter's  Fast or the Apostolic Fast was established on the eve of the Day of Peter and Paul. This is not a strict summer fast, which this year will last 27 days - from June 15 to July 11. Long-lasting fasting of Petrov consists of six weeks, and the shortest week with the day. This fasting is established in honor of the Holy Apostles, who by fasting and prayer prepared for worldwide preaching of the Gospel and prepared their successors in the work of salvation ministry.

How the Lent appeared

It is held in memory of the Holy Apostles - Peter and Paul, who with the help of prayer and food restrictions prepared themselves for worldwide preaching of the Gospel. Since the Apostle Peter is considered the patron saint of fishermen, it is permitted to eat fish during the period of fasting.

We have collected everything that is known about the spiritual sense, the main prohibitions and rules of eating during the days of Peter's Lent.

The spiritual meaning of the Fast

Fasting is, above all, prayer, communion and confession, as well as abstaining from idle pastime. During the days of fasting the Orthodox fight against temptations, are cleansed by prayer and repentance.
Fastening - what to eat

What should and shouldn't be eaten. Lent menu

What not to: meat and meat products (including sausage, lard, pate and dumplings, canned food and sausages). Milk and its products (yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk, cheese and curd, butter, condensed milk and ice cream). Eggs and everything that contains them (e.g. mayonnaise, butter, marshmallow).

What can: greens and vegetables, any fruit, mushrooms, nuts and dried fruits, cereals and pasta, pulses, honey. It is allowed to eat fish and seafood (including caviar). Allowed 1-2 glasses of wine. 

Morning can start with energy smoothies with banana, kiwi, strawberry, apple, avocado and not only, especially since Petrov post falls on the time of berries and fruits.

Hot food without oil is allowed on Monday.
On Wednesday and Friday - drying-up
The rest of the days - all kinds of porridge, fish.
On Sundays and July 7 (on John the Baptist) is allowed to drink wine.
The calendar provides a strict version of the fasting, but believers are allowed some liberties.
